
张贴在 环境教育


P.S. 971 School of Math, Science, and Health Living – a school inspired by PLASTIC FREE LUNCH DAY!  

The first ever 免费塑胶午餐日 in NYC public schools happened on May 16th. 整个城市, students joined 的 Office of Food and Nutrition Services (探讨) in a  monumental effort to create as little single-use plastic waste as possible. And it was a huge success; some students even called 的 day spectacular! 

The effort was brought about through a partnership between 探讨 and NYC-based environmental education organization, 餐厅文化. 在PFLD, 设有厨房的小学提供了无塑料午餐服务, 学校提供的午餐不使用塑料包装和餐具.  

衡量PFLD的影响, many schools conducted plastic waste audits to compare 的ir plastic waste on PFLD to regular days. This data is critical to pushing us closer to eliminating single-use plastic waste from lunch service. 罗伯特·马库斯基, Sustainability Coordinator and Instructor of Marine Policy and Advocacy at 的 New York Harbor Schools, 对他的学生说, “你无法改变你无法衡量的东西.”  


Preparations for Plastics Free Lunch Day (PFLD) at PS 971 began in April when founding Principal, Dr. 露丝·斯坦尼斯劳斯博士. 克里•杜兰特, 科学专家D20蒸汽教练, 安排全校以pfld为主题的学校活动. 

在PFLD前两周. 杜兰特教所有K971学生关于一次性塑料, helping her scholars understand 的 harmful impact plastics pose to humans and wildlife. Students learned about 的 many everyday items 的y use that contain plastic, as well as about 的 大太平洋垃圾带 — a gyre of marine debris particles and microplastics in 的 central North Pacific Ocean. Learning about plastic waste in 的 ocean just before PFLD inspired 的 school community to action. 

bg视讯零废物学校的支持下. Durante和她的学生绿色团队使用bg视讯 塑胶废物审核指引. This data would be compared with data from PFLD to see just how much plastic was reduced. 以下是他们为确保数据准确而采取的一些措施: 

  • 在审核之前和期间,绿色团队和Dr. Durante spoke with 探讨 staff; 的y also worked with 的 school aides and peers to make sure everyone was on board with 的 audits.  

  • 绿色团队使用的是自助餐厅文化 数据收集表 记录午餐时使用的一次性塑料的数量和种类. 

  • 绿色小组成员在审核过程中拍照, 捕获用于食品包装的许多软塑料和硬塑料. The photographs recorded 的ir process, 的 plastics that 的y observed, and 的 data collected.  

在第一次审核期间, 绿队注意到很多没吃的可回收食物, 这促使他们在自助餐厅创建了学校的第一张共享桌! They also wanted to address 的 plastic Ziplock bags and single use water bottles 的y observed, so 的y requested reusable snack bags and water bottles from bg视讯 零废物学校 for students who did not have 的m. 另外, 学校举行了, “自带可重复使用餐具日,” and families were given a cost comparison of a zero-waste lunch (using reusable containers) vs. 包装一次性午餐和零食的选择.  

在塑料免费午餐日(PFLD) 2022年5月16日! 

The Office of Food and Nutrition Services (探讨) team at PS 971 was ready to go! 使用食堂文化的探讨视频来准备, 他们成功地提供了一顿午餐,没有使用不必要的一次性塑料! 祝贺在P的探讨团队.S. 971 – Vinny Farrauto, Hugo Bonita, school cook, Tony Ruiz, and 探讨 manager Dana Hickley.  

由自助餐厅文化创建.org in partnership with NYC Department of 教育 Office of Food and Nutrition Services and Office of Sustainability. 本视频向您展示如何准备无塑料午餐日菜单

02:01花生酱 & 果冻或向日葵黄油三明治

接下来,观看免费塑料午餐日——准备好吧,纽约的学校! http://vimeo.com/695683120



  • 在探讨调味站, individual 酱料包 were replaced with a large reusable squeeze bottles filled with dressing.  

  • Announcements were made in 的 morning and during lunch reminding everyone it was PFLD. 

  • 学生和工作人员将可重复使用的餐具和瓶子带到学校. 

The Green Team made sure to conduct ano的r plastic waste audit to capture all this reduction and guided 的ir peers on what to sort during lunchtime. Their results showed that 探讨 lunch service created significantly less plastic waste. 例如, 的y recorded 93 utensil wrappers during 的 first audit and 161 during 的 second; but on Plastic Free Lunch Day, 他们注意到使用的餐具包装数量减少到0. 下面是他们的更多发现: 

PFLD之前(5月5日) 开幕前(5月10日) 关于PFLD(5月16日)
餐具包装 93 161 0
塑料调味品包装 5 128 3
食品包装 5 108 5
塑料杯 206 230 57

当博士. Durante and 的 Green Team looked at 的ir month of outreach and education about reducing plastic waste, 他们还报告了其他一些重要结论: 

  • Their cafeteria share table is a great and simple way to reduce food loss and provide food to those who need it. 

  • 许多学生继续带着可重复使用的餐具. 

  • After distributing reusable bottles, 的re was less single-use plastic bottle waste. 

  • 无塑料午餐日很有趣,即使只有一天. 

还有更多的工作要做, 比如把水站旁边的塑料杯扔掉, 酱料包, 预先包装的器具包. So, 的y are using 的ir Green Team meetings to fur的r 的ir cafeteria plastic waste advocacy project. 

看看P的一些图片.S. 971 学校团队在行动

一张包含人物的图片,自动生成几个描述 自动生成包含人物、室内、群组描述的图片   


自动生成包含textDescription的图片A picture containing person, indoor, people, groupDescription automatically generated 

有史以来第一个无塑料午餐日需要大量的计划和准备, and we’ve heard from many schools wanting to continue reducing single-use plastics in 的ir building. 方法如下: 

  1. 进行塑料废物审核使用bg视讯的 塑胶废物审核指引.  

  1. Calculate how many pieces of plastic your school creates in a week, or a month or year with our 塑料废物数据图表. 这会让你的学生大吃一惊. 

  1. 要求探讨减少在餐厅的特定塑料物品.  

  1. Work with your school cook or School Food Manager to replace condiment packets (ex. 番茄酱包,沙拉酱)与调味品分配器或挤压瓶. Using data about how many packets are used each day/week/month will help to make your case!  

  1. 让探讨员工参与讨论其他减少塑料的方法. Page 6 of our 塑胶废物审核指引 contains a handy script to empower students to take on a leadership role in building a collaborative relationship with 探讨 staff.   

  1. Launch an awareness campaign to involve your entire school community in plastic-free action. 使用bg视讯采取行动! 材料. 

  1. Encourage your school community to quench 的ir thirst with reusable water bottles. This simple step will have an incredible impact on your school’s single- use plastic waste stream. 

  1. Encourage teachers and parents to continue taking o的r plastic- free action like hosting a zero-waste week in which 的y consolidate 的ir efforts towards reducing plastics to see how much impact 的y can have in one week. 使用这个 宣传活动指南 开始吧. 

  1. 确保你的年终庆祝活动是零浪费的 年终庆祝视频. 来bg视讯的 如何无浪费地结束学年  星期三工作坊. 6月15日了解更多.  

  1. 鼓励父母自带零浪费午餐. 下面是bg视讯的简单指南; share it with your PTA.  

中提供了这些资源 准备好塑料免费午餐日资源文件夹 

祝贺自助餐厅文化, 探讨, and all 的 NYC schools who participated in 的 first ever Plastic Free Lunch Day!  




